“But I’m Still Struggling!”: Distinguishing a Healthy Struggle with Sexual Sin from an Attitude of Unrepentance

“But I’m Still Struggling!”: Distinguishing a Healthy Struggle with Sexual Sin from an Attitude of Unrepentance

As a member of several Facebook support groups for women battling lust, I’ve found that many (female) recovering porn and masturbation addicts wrestle with unwanted detours on their road to recovery. Although they absolutely feel the consequential guilt and shame resulting from their sexual sin and sincerely desire to quit, time after time they compromise…

Intrusive Sexual Thoughts: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Them
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Intrusive Sexual Thoughts: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Them

Are intrusive sexual thoughts disrupting your thought-life? In today’s episode of the Purpose in Purity Podcast, me and my special guest will share what’s helped us in our own experiences, along with the triggers of sexual thoughts and how you can choose to respond. By the end of our time together, you’ll have a 3-step…